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Laser Kit for S&W Smith-Wesson® M&P Bodyguard 380 w/Tactical Holster Touch-Activated ArmaLaser TR24 Red Laser Sight, Guns & 2 Extra Batteries
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Laser Kit for S&W Smith-Wesson® M&P Bodyguard 380 w/Tactical Holster Touch-Activated ArmaLaser TR24 Red Laser Sight, Guns & 2 Extra Batteries

Product ID: 183418409
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Included in your purchase is the Touch-Activated ArmaLaser TR24 Red Laser Sight, a RH Tactical Laser Holster with an extra magazine pouch and is adjustable (optional pocket or belly-band holster available to subst.) 2 Extra Batteries for a total of 3 batteries. LASER FIT FIT: Touch-Reflex TR24 fits the S&W Smith-Wesson M&P Bodyguard 380. Featuring a 5-year warranty, the laser turns on by human touch, not by a mechanical switch or button. As soon as you grasp your pistol, the True-Touch Activation sensor will turn the laser on and keep it on as long as you're grasping the pistol grip. Move your middle finger forward and the laser will shut off. It is seamless, immediate and requires no button to be pushed or secondary operation. The laser features a convenient battery door to replace its single CR1/3N battery (also can use 2 357 watch cells) so you won't lose any of the laser's ''zero'' when replacing batteries like with other lasers. A master kill switch is recessed into the DuPont Zytel fiber-reinforced nylon housing (same material used on some gun frames) to allow practice without the laser if needed. Incredible 5 hours of run time and up to 2 years of standby time even if the laser is placed in ''ready to activate'' mode. Arma Lasers are Class 3R with a peak power output less than 5mW and are registered with the FDA as a laser manufacturer. There is a very big difference in laser brightness between a 650nm laser and the 635nm one used in the TR24, especially during daylight. It's incredibly strong and sturdy with incredible abuse-absorbing rigidity. Requires no tools, pin removal, or gunsmithing. Installs easily in minutes and is simple to adjust to point of aim. Best of all, it stays adjusted no matter how many rounds you fire. The laser can also switch between a steady laser beam mode and pulsing beam mode. (*Please note: only the laser sight, holster and batteries are being sold - NOT the gun.)

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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