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Movo SPL-Tele 3X Telephoto Lens with Clip Mount for Smartphones - Zoom Lens for iPhone, Android, and Tablets - Smartphone Telescopic Lens for Video and Photography - Best Telephoto Lens for iPhone
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Movo SPL-Tele 3X Telephoto Lens with Clip Mount for Smartphones - Zoom Lens for iPhone, Android, and Tablets - Smartphone Telescopic Lens for Video and Photography - Best Telephoto Lens for iPhone

Product ID: 293041729
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phone telescope zoom lens pocket zoom for cell phone telephoto lens zoom phone lens phone camera lens telephoto phone zoom camera phone camera lenses phone zoom lens used telephoto lens zoom smartphone lens kit lens cell phone zoom lens for camera Zoom past other smartphone cameras with the SPL-TELE 3x Telescopic Lens from Movo. The SPL-TELE adds invaluable range to your shots, making your image appear three times larger than it would without it. Installation is easy: simply clip the telephoto lens on top of your smartphone camera and start shooting. Includes a free one year warranty and friendly customer service based in the U.S.A.

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Reema J.

Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

1 month ago

Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

3 weeks ago

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