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American Garden WorksAmerican Garden Works KK-100 Kritter Korn Ear Corn for Squirrels, 6.5 Pound Bag
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American Garden WorksAmerican Garden Works KK-100 Kritter Korn Ear Corn for Squirrels, 6.5 Pound Bag

Product ID: 72667183
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American Garden Works KK-100 Kritter Korn Ear Corn for Squirrels, 6.5 Pound Bag. Kritter Korn is U.S.A farmed in rural Indiana. Thoroughly dried to assure long-life, resistance to mold and disease. Rich in both protein and fiber it's an excellent supplemental food to offer your backyard birds. Great way to help wildlife when the climate turns cold making it difficult to find food on their own. Animals attracted to Kritter Korn will be: deer, squirrels, chipmunks and raccoons (helps distract them from bird feeders). Kritter Korn is meant for use near bird feeders or trees; but can be placed anywhere you choose. Placing under low bushes or shrubs will attract more secretive ground-feeding species such as towhees and quail. Also available is Kritter Kabob (sold separately) which can hang from a tree or be placed as a stake in the ground. ***Important note: State and Federal restrictions of the European Corn Borer Quarantine forbid shipment of Kritter Korn into: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Canadian province of British Columbia. "American Garden Works Made In The USA"

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